College essay assignment
Psychology Argumentative Essay Topics Interwar Period
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Henry VIII Free Essays
After a little discussion, Henry turned into the new Duke of Cornwall in October 502, and the new Prince od Wales and Earl of Chester In February 1503. Henry VII gave the kid scarcely any undertakings. Youthful Henry was carefully regulated and didn't show up out in the open. We will compose a custom exposition test on Henry VIII or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now Accordingly, the youthful Henry would later rise the seat â€Å"untrained in the demanding specialty of kingship†. Henry VII engeded his youner child with Artur’s widow Henry VII kicked the bucket on 22 April 1509, and the youthful Henry succeeded him as ruler, receiving the regnal name of Henry VIII. He wedded Chaterlne of Aragon In June 11 1 509 and in June 24 they were delegated in Westminister Hall. Henriks first moves as an ew ruler were appearing out that his administration is unique in relation to the rule of his dad. First he expelled the evacuated the main figures in the administration of Henry VII. And afterward on the International plans began to take a dfferent arrangement of tranquil strategy of his dad. Henry thought of himself as warrior ruler. He went into a coalition with some European nations against France, against which he was at war. He actually drove endeavors against France crushing the at the Battle of the Spurs 1 513th, yet the war Is at long last finished up harmony understanding 1514th year. He Involved England In the then European polltlcal patterns and occasions as Important, If not unequivocal, factor. Wars, be that as it may, with its expense of creation of various guns new fortresses and made genuine budgetary issues. Attempting to 1525th present a â€Å"friendly support†for subsidizing Henrik’s international strategy has prompted the flare-up of confusion and surrendered additional expense. As Reformation showed up on the mainland Henrik turned his strategy to the Pope so he sanctioned The Defense of the Seven Sacraments 1521st , which repudiates thoughts and postulations of the reformist Martin Luther, which shield the establishments of Catholic instructing , and that is the reason Pope Leo X. Gave him the title of â€Å"Defender of the Faith†(Defensor fidel) Henry was a flexible individual, intrigued by sports, additionally had great expertise in music and writer. At his court governed dynamic and creative soul of the Renaissance, in science and craftsmanship. Propelled by the disclosure of the New World he request to draw up, for that time, the most recent guide of the world. His rule was portrayed by a particular authoritative actlvlty which has deserted numerous laws, for example, the laws in grains act in 1536. Britain connected Wales, and the English language has gotten the main authority in the territory, regardless of the way that the greater part of the populace speak Welsh. Among the laws which were passed during the rule of Henrik many were questionable, for example, the Buggery Act which was the principal law against homosexuality, Witchcraft Act which rebuffed and arraigned witches, and the His rule was portrayed by an unmistakable authoritative 1 OF3 England connected Wales, and the English language has gotten the main authority in the area, notwithstanding the way that the majority of the populace speak Welsh. Among the laws that were passed during the rule of Henrik many were questionable, for example, the Buggery Act which was the principal law against homosexuality, Witchcraft Act which rebuffed and arraigned witches, The main Act of Supremacy was a bit of enactment that allowed King Henry VIII of England Royal Supremacy, which implies that he was proclaimed the incomparable leader of the Church of England. It is as yet the lawful authority of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. what's more, the Treasons demonstration from the 1 534th in which the term is given and stretched out into words not just on offense. This Act was passed after the Act of Supremacy 1 534, which made the lord the â€Å"Only Head of the Church of England on Earth. †Marriages Henry’s private life was regularly includes with state undertakings and legislative issues. His longing to have a male beneficiary, and wedded life were personally influenced on present and future remote and residential strategy of England, and the spot of England in religion and relations with the leader of the Catholic Church Pope. Catherine of Aragon was pregnant with Henry multiple times , however just endure child,was a girl, Mary . Henry , notwithstanding, urgently needed a male beneficiary , ecause he accepted that solitary a child can give progression to the English seat . In the first place, while he was hitched with Catherine had two escorts , Mary Boleyn and Elizabeth Blount , however began to look all starry eyed at Mary’s sister, Anne Boleyn . At the point when he understood that Katherine (later 1536. Passed on of malignant growth ) will not, at this point have the option to have youngsters , defeat by his longing to get a child , and the best way to lawfully get with Anne Boleyn was by separating from Catherine. So he attempted to convince Pope Clement VII . to cancel his union with Catherine . From the start reluctant , Pope 1529th under ressure from the Spanish lord Charles V. will not meet Henry’s demand. Albeit still 1521st by Pope Leo X. gotten the title †Defender of the Faith †, Henrik chose to overlook ecclesiastical dismissal and January 25 1533rd The discretionary Marries Anne Boleyn , setting before canterburyiJskog Archbishop Thomas Cranmer , who consented to do a wedding. Father was before long expelled Henry , and this thus called the parliament wherein passed the Law on the initiative (the Act of Supremacy in 1 534 . ) , According to which the head of state and church , called the Anglican , is above all else . After the break with Rome and the freedom of the Anglican Church broke up all cloisters and appropriated their property. Anna Boleyn was pregnant a few times, yet brought forth Henry’s little girl Elizabeth, rather than so much wanted child. Accordingly, it is soon due to Henry’s favor, since he started to give all his regard for Jane Seymour, and how he needed to get an authentic child needed to get a separation from Anne Boleyn. That is whay in 1536. she was blamed for black magic, infidelity and interbreeding with her sibling, and was sentenced and executed by decapitating around the same time. o gave a birth to his child Edward 1537th and kicked the bucket twelve days after his introduction to the world. Henrik was profoundly hurted in light of the fact that he felt of Jane as of his â€Å"only obvious woman†who gave him urgently wanted child and beneficiary. 1540th The Henry remarried, with sister of his partner in strife with the Pope, the Duke of Cleves, Anne of Cleves. In spite of the fact that it is accepted that Ana ugly, he wedded her for down to earth political reasons, however never had any sort of conjugal relationship and the marriage was repealed on the grounds as never expended and Ana of Cleves was given the title of the King’s sister. Duke of Essex, who orchestrated the marriage was sentenced and executed by decapitating. On July 28 . 1540, that day when Earl of Essex was executed, Henry wedded Catherine Howard, cousin of Anne Boleyn. In the begining Henry was excited about her due to her childhood (she was scarcely sixteen). Be that as it may, Catherine before long deceived Henry with a squire, and the marriage was dissolved, and Catherine was executed in February 1542nd at eighteen years old. Henrik’s last spouse was Catherine Parr, rich Protestants who wedded Henry in 1543. ar and who is answerable for accommodating Henry with his little girls, Mary. what's more, Elizabeth, who prior relationships dropping their moms with Henry, were prohibited from the progression and are along these lines again become conceivable beneficiary to the English seat. It is expected, albeit never demonstrated, that Henry experienced syphilis, which presumably prompted his demise in the mansion Whitehall on January 28 1547. w hat's more, was prevailing by his child Edward. His life and reign was depicted by William Shakespeare in his chronicled show Henry VIII. The most effective method to refer to Henry VIII, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
The 1972 Munich Olympics
The creation and utilization of the nuclear bomb might be considered as the start of the new world whenever estimated by the innovation and science as this specific occasion has made the course of events previously, then after the fact. There are a great deal of reasons why this specific occasion ought to be considered as the start of the advanced occasions, and one of the principle reasons is the nonappearance of the way back.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on Using science and innovation as the measure, when did the cutting edge world start? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More People can't disregard the innovation, researchers can't stop the way toward creating the bomb on the planet and, in this manner, they can't ensure that the nuclear bomb will never be utilized. It is only conceivable to recollect the occasions previously and during the World War II to comprehend that the cutting edge world will never be equivalent to it was the point at which the nuclear bomb didn't exist. One of the sources states, â€Å"War overwhelmed and can nearly be said to have decided worldwide legislative issues in the twentieth century. War stressed the domains the Europeans had built so arduously in the nineteenth century. In the main portion of the twentieth century, those domains scarcely suffered, and in the subsequent half, they all collapsed†(Fernandez-Armesto 987). War and pressure in the connections between the nations were the principle explanations behind the eruption of advancements and improvement in the weapon circle. The weapons contest was extremely significant for the nations as even in view of the Postwar Disillusionment (Fernandez-Armesto 958) after the First World Was and the longing to forestall another contention, the World War II was unavoidable on account of the quantity of reasons. Be that as it may, the wars can't be known as the start of the cutting edge world the same number of wars were held before and the improvement in weapon can't be considered as the issue. Be that as it may, nuclear bomb is another perspective. It is the start of the cutting edge world as it offers completely new degree of driving the war and Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an incredible model. Recalling the historical backdrop of the production of the nuclear bomb, the very straightforward story rises. Being worried about the possibility that that Hitler will make a nuclear bomb US and UK chose to cooperate on the formation of such weapon. Accordingly, the bomb was made and it was utilized on Japan.Advertising Looking for appraisal on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The day when nuclear bombs was utilized in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the day of the start of the new present day time, the period when the weapon of the mass demolition was applied toward a person (Hepp 126). Consequently, this occasions (the making of the nuclear bomb) is the start of the new present day life because of the way that this case is significant. It has made the Japan populace to begin another timetable which begins with â€Å"after†the nuclear bomb use. Abiding in insight regarding the start of another Age of Atom weapon, the memories of an individual who made due after the assault on Hiroshima in 1945 ought to be thought of. Dr. Michihiko Hachiya recalls that â€Å"Suddenly, a solid blaze of light frightened me †and afterward another†(â€Å"Surviving the Atomic Attack on Hiroshima†n.p.). The depiction reminds about the world creation, when a sprinkle brought forth the entire humanity. Nuclear bomb use is actually the start of the new period, the time when individuals are o fear the innovations they make, the time where the science starts the primary impacting power in practical and political life. These days, every nation attempts to make something advancement in the realm of science as the nation improvement relies u pon it. Since the production of the Atom bomb, individuals are centered around science and the revelations which are made there all together not to miss the start of another, increasingly inventive time. In this way, it might be inferred that the thought of the formation of the nuclear bomb as the beginning stage for the advanced world is sensible. This is the occasion which has isolated the entire history of the humanity on before the nuclear bomb creation and after it. It is difficult to consider all the more remarkable and deciding development in the logical world. Thinking about science as the measure for recognizing the start of the cutting edge world, it is imperative to check the disclosures which put the world in light of the current situation which can't be rectified. The development of the nuclear bomb is actually such an occasion as these days this reality makes the entire humanity live in dread and steady strain being anxious about the possibility that that one of the na tions will utilize this sort of weapon. In addition, there is a thought that the start is there where the end is. Such guideline works in the maze yet it is impeccably fits the circumstance. Nuclear bomb creation was the start of the world, and it might turn into the finish of the human presence if this sort of weapon is utilized. Nuclear bombs are planned for annihilating of everything on the Earth and production of this kind of weapon is in no way, shape or form the start of the cutting edge human progress which may crush itself.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Using science and innovation as the measure, when did the advanced world start? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. World: Brief History, Combined Vol. New York: Academic Internet Publishers, 2009. Print. Hepp, John H. â€Å"Historical Foundations of the Modern World.†Lectures 6 March 2012. Print. â€Å"Surviving the Atomic Attack on Hi roshima, 1945,†EyeWitness to History, 2011 Web. This evaluation on Using science and innovation as the measure, when did the cutting edge world start? was composed and put together by client Venus Dee Milo to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Clep College Composition Essay Samples - A Basic Guide
Clep College Composition Essay Samples - A Basic GuideA Clep College Composition Essay Sample is a valuable resource for those who are seeking an entry-level job in their chosen field. A Clep college composition essay is one of the primary requirements for first-year college students to earn their degree. While there are countless other college entrance examinations, the majority of Clep College Composition Essay Samples tests students' writing and argumentation skills.In addition to ensuring your clep is worth the cost, if you're serious about winning that job, then doing your own research and understanding the new concepts taught through your college-level CLEP exam will benefit you. The goal is to write a CLEP essay to pass the test, but one you can live with. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you get started. With a few ideas to guide you, you'll be on your way to writing your CLEP college composition essay sample with confidence.To begin, look up your CLEP college com position essay sample from the Internet or the library. Know the exam you're writing for and what your level should be. If you need extra help, then you may need to go through CLEP resources and colleges' samples to find your clep sample that is suitable for your particular exam. Remember, your CLEP College Composition Essay Sample could also be more difficult than your CLEP score would be. If you need extra guidance, then ask a librarian or instructor for help.The good news is that it's easier than ever to prepare for CLEP. Your library or school may even have CLEP reference materials that have CLEP test questions and answer keys you can use. Even if you don't, that's not a problem. These reference materials may be found online, within your library, or simply through an online library catalog. All you have to do is find the CLEP information you need and you'ready to start writing your CLEP college composition essay sample.Now that you know what your CLEP college composition essay s ample will be like, the next thing to do is figure out what kind of essay you need to write. The CLEP exam is divided into three sections: writing, speaking, and case-study. Each section will consist of fifty-five questions. Your CLEP college composition essay sample will also include a number of short, multiple-choice questions. When you decide what kind of CLEP college composition essay sample you want to study, make sure it includes the necessary elements of each test. Additionally, when you study your CLEP essay sample, use the same essay for each exam.Study your CLEP college composition essay sample for each exam, even if it's just once. Each exam may be very different from the last. By doing this, you'll be prepared for each type of exam. Think about what kind of challenge you are hoping to face. Your CLEP college composition essay sample will help you determine how much time you will spend on the specific material that you need to cover on the CLEP exams.When you've looked ov er your CLEP college composition essay sample, begin studying the material. As you move along, the content will become more familiar to you and the knowledge will make your CLEP essay sample easier to write.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Basic French Politeness Vocabulary and Expressions
After you master your French survival phrases, the very next thing you need to conquer in French is politeness. Do Smile in France You may have heard that it was not OK to smile in France. I dont agree. I am Parisian born and raised, then lived 18 years in the US, then came back to France to raise my daughter among my (also French) husband family. People smile in France. Especially when they interact, ask for something, are trying to make a good impression. In a large city like Paris, smiling to everybody may make you look out of place. Especially if you are a woman and are smiling to each guy that looks at you: they may think you are flirting. However, that doesnt mean you shouldnt smile, especially when you are talking to someone. Lots of French students are afraid to speak French, and therefore have a very intense facial expression: its not nice. So try to relax, breathe in, and smile! Tu Versus Vous - The French You There is MUCH to say on this subject which is deeply rooted in French history. But to sum it up. Use tu with one person you are talking to: a child, a close friend, an adult in a very relaxed setting, a family member, anyone who uses tu with you (unless they are much older than you).Use vous with everybody else you are talking to. An adult you are not close to, a colleague, a person much older than you... and with a group of several people (whether you say tu or vous to them individually. The choice between tu and vous also depends on social class (this is very important and the main reason why French people use tu or vous to talk to one person), geographic region, age, and... personal preference! Now, each time you learn a French expression using you - youll have to learn two forms. The tu one and the vous one. French Politeness Essentials Monsieur - SirMadame - Lady, MadamMademoiselle - Miss, to be used with younger (too young to be married) women When addressing someone, it is much more polite in French to follow with Monsieur, Madame or Mademoiselle. In English, it may be a bit over the top, depending where you come from. Not in France. Oui - Yes.Non - No.Merci - Thank you.Bonjour - hi, hello.Au revoir - Bye.Sil vous plaà ®t - please (using vous)/ Sil te plaà ®t - please (saying tu)Je vous en prie - youre welcome (using vous) / Je ten prie (saying tu)Dà ©solà ©(e) - sorryPardon - sorryComment ? - Excuse me - when you couldnt hear someone.Excusez-moi (for vous) / excuse-moi (for tu) - excuse-meÀ vos souhaits (for vous) / à tes souhaits (for tu) - bless you (after someone sneezes) Of course, there is much more to say about French politeness. We suggest you check out look at the downloadable audio lesson on French Politeness to master the modern French pronunciation and all the cultural nuances linked to French politeness and greetings.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Teen Marriage - 1460 Words
Teen Marriage What is marriage? Marriage is â€Å"the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family†(Marriage 729). The fact is, marriage, to most of society, is something much more than that. To some, marriage is the uniting of their souls; to others, it is merely an escape from their fear, their pain, and their agony. The sad truth about it is that many of those marriages will end in divorce. So how do couples know if what they have will last forever? It is impossible to know for sure. No one can tell them that they definitely have what it takes to make a marriage last. Marriage is about compromise and understanding. It is also†¦show more content†¦They really do not know what it takes to make a marriage last. The only thing they know is what they have seen, i.e. in their parents’ marriages. Sadly, that seems like a bad place to look for an influence, as so many marriages today are failing. It is unlikely that they will receive useful information out of an unsuccessful marriage. Today, â€Å"married couples are so busy managing their marital lives that they tend to eliminate all the fun of being together†(Holt 1). Teens will not be able to know what is needed to make a marriage work until they have a glimpse of what marriage is really all about. Statistics show that if a seventeen-year old girl waits two years before marrying, it can cut her chances of becoming divorced in half (Ayer 52). Teens need to wait and see if they can grow with one another. If they can learn to do that, they are on the pathway to finding a happy marriage. After all, â€Å"change yourself and your partner will change†(Tobin 2). Others may still have the old fashion beliefs. They feel that just cause for teens to get married would be if the teen was already pregnant. They see it as the right choice to make. They feel that the baby should have a chance to grow up in a caring household with a loving mother and father. The problem with this is that if the teens are not strong enough toShow MoreRelated Teenage Girls, the Media and Self-Image Essay3098 Words  | 13 Pagesedges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. -Virginia Woolf Youth is beauty, money is beauty, hell, beauty is beauty sometimes. Its the luck of the draw, its the natural law; its a joke, its a crime. -Ani Difranco The teen magazines began appearing in the fifth grade. They seemed to show up overnight, out of nowhere. At lunch or between classes, groups of girls would cluster around the desk of the mature eleven-year-old who brought in the latest issue of Seventeen. PageRead MoreMarriage Is Not Only For The Adults Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesMarriage is when two adults come together in love and have the love link them together as one. It means they live together and share the rest of their lives together after a marital engagement. Today marriage is not only for the adults, but the young teenagers have taken it up. It could be a drive from young love. It mostly occurs during adolescence when most teenagers start to discover themselves emotionally and sexually. The strength that comes with this young love turns some to believe they canRead MoreEarly Marriage997 Words  | 4 PagesGetting married at a young age is not new in our society, especially amongst the Malay communities. The phenom enon of early marriage seems to be a trend and lifestyle among young people today, especially those who live in rural areas. In the early twenties of the age they have begun talking and thinking about marriage. For some, they accept and assume this as common in Malay traditions and communities, but for others, they consider that this situation and phenomenon should be changed as in line withRead MoreLove Is A Beautiful Thing1448 Words  | 6 Pagescan be easily seen in society’s treatment of non-heterosexuals, especially in the cases of marriage laws, bullying by teens and young adults, and general homophobic attitudes in our culture. It is imperative that these situations be changed so that each and every person has the same rights and is not harshly and wrongly judged because of the sex of the person that they love. When you hear the word â€Å"marriage,†what comes to your mind? Is it long white dresses and dapper tuxedos, or a towering cakeRead MoreEssay about The Issue of Sexually Active Young Teens713 Words  | 3 PagesIn America, a significant problem we should look at is regarding sexually active young teens. It seems that almost every teen is sexually active. They are having sex at such a early age. A question that rings in our minds, is do they truly even know what sex is? Growing up, Catholic teachings instructed myself to wait until marriage. They say premarital sex is a sin. Now, not only are churches teaching abstinence, but, schools as well. Premarital sex is a important growing problem: that usually resultsRead MoreMarriage is a Committment to Your Spouse740 Words  | 3 Pagesa life changing situation- marriage. So at what age is it appropriate to marry? Teenage marriage has become a subject that many people have disagreed on over the last few decades. Some say that teenagers are not mature enough to marry, while others argue that if a teenager truly loves someone they should get married. If love is a promise, are teenagers prepared to make a commitment to marry someone else? Even though teenage marriage should be discouraged, the marriage can be successful if the coupleRead MoreBirth Control : Who Controls?1159 Words  | 5 Pagesparents?†Outline: -Thesis Statement- Teenagers should not be required to have permission from their parents to receive birth control. Religious Beliefs: -Sex before marriage -Encouraging the child to have sex -Against God’s will (IT’S A SIN) Communications with teens/parents -Wanting to know from a parent’s perspective -Asking the teen â€Å"why†-Social problems leading to crisis explosion with both sides Rejection from parents -Making the decision for the teenager -Not listening to the child -CausingRead MorePersuasive essay - Love1494 Words  | 6 Pagescan be easily seen in society’s treatment of non-heterosexuals, especially in the cases of marriage laws, bullying by teens and young adults, and general homophobic attitudes in our culture. It is important that these situations be changed so that each and every person has the same rights and is not harshly and wrongly judged because of the sex of the person that they love. When thinking of the word â€Å"marriage,†what comes to mind? Is it long white dresses and dapper tuxedos, or a towering cake andRead MoreSex Education and Religious Influence Essay1142 Words  | 5 Pagesreligious or family based sense of morality, sex is an issue for more than just teens. I do not know of any religion that condones sex before marriage, at any age. It seems that morals of all kinds look down on premarital sex, yet it is one of the greatest epidemics that plagues modern society. Teenagers are definitely a great concern when speaking of premarital sex. I would like to believe that societys concern for these teens is out of a moral and religious attitude. Yet politicians as well as societyRead MoreShould Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control Without Parent Consent?1727 Words  | 7 Pagesand child, and it forces the child to make adult decisions about medication, and that can be harmful to the teen. Foremost, I believe it is appropriate to keep in mind that one is not granted the ability to vote until they reach the age of 18. Laws and procedures vary from state to state, even though most states do not have a law about receiving birth control methods. But the idea of teens making a decision to add medication into their daily lives is ridiculous, even more since the government has
Ethical Theories and Discourses Ability Expectations
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Theories and Discourses Ability Expectations. Answer: Introduction: Cash converters private limited is a retail pawn broking company in Australia. It is the subsidiary of cash converters international limited. It offers some financial loans to the low cost people. This company has many franchises on international level in many countries such as US, Spain, Canada, South Africa and UK. Basically this company operates in financial services store and second hand goods. It has been incorporated in Perth, Australia in 2007. It is registered in the ASX (Cash converters, 2017). The operations of this company are in 16 countries. Currently there are 2 people as Board of directors. The website of the company is It has been found through this case that cash converters one among the top payday lenders in the Australia but due to some issues company had charged a interest rate of 145% on personal loan and 633% on cash loan. Due to such charges the low income customer has been trapped. Due to this decision company has to face many problems such as less market share, decrement in share price, many cases and decrement in total revenue. Ethical theories and code of conduct: Ethical theory is an idea to justify the action done by an accountant. For it, an accountant has to examine all the basis in against and favor of the action. For it accountant has to ask questions to itself such as: Is this action good for the company? Is it good for the society? Would it harm to the society? Do these actions violate the rights of anyone? Have I made any wrong commitment with the company? Cash converters accountant didnt analyze any of the point mentioned above while preparing the final statements of the company. Company just charged this high interest rate to save itself from further losses and the accountant has hide all the situation faced by the company (Rossouw, Van Vuuren, Ghani Adam, 2010). Following are some relevant ethical theories to the accountants: Deontology is the normative ethical position which judges the morality of the action based upon rules. It emphasizes the action not only upon the basis of product. Accountant has totally ignored the main concept of accounting and ignored the main figures while preparing the final statements. Right ethical theory depict that all the rights set for the society must be ethically correct and it must be kept by the person on high priority. Accountant has ignored all the ethical concept of accounting and prepared the statements in such a manner that all the negative point of company could be hided (Wolbring, 2012). Utilitarianism ethical theory depict that a company must choose the action that offers a great amount of benefit to the most people. Here, accountant has just looked over the benefits of the company (Zadek, Evans Pruzan, 2013). It ignored the benefits of all the external stakeholders of the company. It helps the managers to find the best possible option so that all the issues could be outcome. Accountant had chosen the option through which only the company could get the benefits (Mingers Walsham, 2010). Thus it could be said that accountant had didnt consider any of the ethical theory while preparing the final financial statements. Annual report of cash converters: Through the final reports of the company, it has been analyzed that the profitability of the company it has been analyzed that company has just faced a loss worth $21000 which is not the true figure. Company has faced a high loss in 2015 due to the high interest prices. The revenue of the company has been lowered than before. But the accountant of the company ignored all the accounting standards and rules and regulations and through creative accounting, he presented the totally new figures so that the external stakeholders could be manipulated. The income statement of the company for 2014 and 2015 are as follows: Income Statement of Cash converters international Ltd as on...... 2015 2014 Revenue 374 330 Cost of revenue 138 119 Gross Profit 235 211 Operating expenses sales, general and administrative expenses 147 137 other operating expenses 97 35 total operating expenses 244 172 Operating income -9 39 Interest expenses 9 9 Other income 1 2 Income before income tax -17 32 Provision for income tax 5 11 Minority interest 0 -3 Other income 0 -3 Net income from continuing operations 22 21 Net income from discontinuing operations 0 0 other 0 3 Net income -21 24 net income available to shareholders -21 24 This table depicts that how much manipulation had been done by the accountant to provide the fake information to the clients. This ahs been observed that the accountant did the whole work for the benefits of the company. The society benefit had been totally ignored by the accountant. Through the final reports of the company, it has been analyzed that the profitability financial performance of the company is not true. Company has showed the total assets worth $441000 in 2015 which is higher than 2014 return. . The performance of the company has been lowered than before (yahoo finance, 2017). But the accountant of the company ignored all the accounting standards and rules and regulations and through creative accounting, he presented the totally new figures so that the external stakeholders could be manipulated. The statement of financial position of the company is as follows: This table depicts that how much manipulation had been done by the accountant to provide the fake information to the clients. This has been observed that the accountant did the whole work for the benefits of the company. The society benefit had been totally ignored by the accountant. The share price of the company was AUD 0.51 which was quite similar with the last month share price i.e. AUD 0.51. And the share price of Dec 2015 was AUD 0.52. Thus it has been found that the share price of the company didnt affect due to the fake projection of final statements f the company. The accountant of the company had hided every information from the external stakeholders and thus the share price of the company became similar. But it has been found that in Dec, 2015, the share volume of the company had been decreased from 17,001,028 to 5,844,047 (yahoo finance, 2017). It depict that the investment of the company had been lowered due to the high interest rate charged by the company. Thus it could be said that the accountant had ignored all the ethical theories but still the stakeholder got to know about the issues in the company and divest their money from the companys projects. Social responsibility and sustainability: Social responsibility and sustainability is very important for a business. Following are some social responsibilities which must be fulfilled by the financial institutions as well as cash converter ltd to enhance the position in the society (Branco Rodrigues, 2006): An institute must evaluate and classify the investment project in the 3 categories according to the risk and environmental affect (Cuganesan Khan, 2008). This would help the society to find the best project. Cash converter must also use this technique to gain the goodwill and a good position back in the society. A company must assess the social and environmental factors before identifying the risk over any project. This would help the company as well as society for getting more return and save the environment. Cash converter must also use this technique to gain the goodwill and a good position back in the society. Financial institute must launch grievance mechanism to resolve the query of client and society (Darus, Mad Yusoff, 2014). This helps the company to gain the trust of society in companys operations. Cash converter must also use this technique to gain the goodwill and a good position back in the society. Financial institute must charge the interest rate according to the market and customer. The high interest rate could be in disfavor of the company and company could lose the market share. Conclusion: Through the case study of cash converters it has been found that the action taken by the accountant of the company was not ethical. Accountant had ignored all the accounting standards, policies, rules and regulations while preparing the final statements of the company. The income statement and balance sheet of the company did not reveal the true facts about the company. The share price of the company also did not affect due to the fact that all the information had been hided from the external stakeholders of the company so that the position of the company could not get affect in the market. Financial institutions has also suggested some social responsibilities which must be followed by the companies to make a good position in the market. References: Branco, M.C., Rodrigues, L.L. (2006). Corporate social responsibility and resource based perspectives. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 69(2), pp. 111-132. Cash converters, (2017). Home. Retrieved as on 1 April 2017 from Cuganesan, S., Khan, H. (2008). Assessing the reporting of stakeholder reciprocity in the Australian banking industry. Journal of Human Resource Costing Accounting, Vol. 12, pp. 85-101. Darus, F., Mad, S., Yusoff, H., (2014). 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(2013).Building corporate accountability: Emerging practice in social and ethical accounting and auditing. Routledge.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Socrates Nature-Nurture Essays - Socratic Dialogues,
Socrates: Nature-Nurture Nature-Nurture Many things affect people and how they behave based on genetics and what type of environment they are raised in. Part of a person or animal's behavior stems from behaviors which are innate or what they are exposed to in life. Socrates is a dog who has a unique mutation where he also possesses human characteristics. Several events factor why he behaves the way he does through the abusive environment he lives in, and through his dog-like nature. Socrates' personality and behavior is partly influenced through the environment he lives in. In the beginning, environment plays a large role in developing Socrates. The reason he became mutated is because of the environment he was exposed to, which were the electrical X-rays at the professor's house. The environment of the X-rays that Socrates and the other puppies were exposed to seemed to be the one that caused the mutation. Another factor that contributed to Socrates' behavior was Jennings, who constantly surrounds him in an abusive environment. Jennings finds that Socrates is a unique dog and that he can learn tricks easily. In teaching Socrates, Jennings uses a system of punishments by whipping and beating on Socrates so that he will learn the tricks immediately. Through this environment, Socrates learns to continually be in fear of Jennings. If Socrates had lived with the professor, he would have grown to become better educated and taught more human-like characteristics. The p rofessor would have kept Socrates away from any harm and shelter him from people like Jennings who want to have Socrates strictly for financial gain. Nature played a big part in developing Socrates' behavior. Even though Socrates possessed many human characteristics, he always had his dog-like nature. Socrates still kept his loyalty towards Jennings, due to the ?man's best friend? factor although Jennings always abused him. Even when the professor attempted to kill Jennings, Socrates was continually loyal to his master that he even gave his own life to attempt to save Jennings from drowning. Another characteristic of his dog nature is his sense of smell. All dogs have an acute sense of smell and Socrates was able to use that to his advantage to find the professor. He also could sense other things that humans could not, such as sounds and images that are out of our absolute threshold. While visiting the professor, Socrates was able to associate with other dogs, like Tess, and he enjoyed being in contact her since she is also a dog. Behaviorists and Freudians would address the nature-nurture question in different ways. In a nature-nurture environment in a behaviorist's view, the way a person is treated due to punishments and rewards. Through experiencing particular ways of punishments and rewards, a person's behavior and personality is developed. In a Freudians view of the nature-nurture issue, expressed would be the biological factors behind the behavioral and mental process. Hidden conflict in the mind through a Freudian's point-of-view would motivate much of a person's behavior. Also the role of environment where Socrates comes into contact with different types of people such as Jennings and the professor, is an issue that deals with Freudian views. Freudians believe that who a person comes into social contact with can help shape a person's personality development. Psychology Essays
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